Join LIVE on July 16 - July 18 (6 pm to 8 pm CST) Using Any Device!

For House Flipping Women Who Want To Thrive Even In The Ups and Downs Of Real Estate

Use your renovating resources and design passion into a

7-Figure Renovation Business With

"Blueprint to Remodel Riches" Framework

Even If You Don't Have Any Experience! Learn From Someone Who Started From Scratch and Grew Her Business to a Multi-Million Company.

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What You Need To Know...


The masterclass is 100% Virtual so you can attend from any device and the comfort of your own home!


The masterclass will be live on July 16th through July 18th


Each day of the event will run about 2 hours using the following time zones: 4:00 PM PT | 5:00 PM MT | 6:00 PM CT | 7:00 PM ET

Does This Sound Familiar To You?

You Want To Add A Profitable Stream Of Income with

Your Existing 'Fix and Flip' Business

  • You've built a Fix and Flip Business, but you are finding that the financial consistency is not there

  • You love being an REI renovator, but it is difficult to receive paychecks only every few months or maybe only 1-2x year

  • You don’t have a system in place for renovation, so there are a lot of unexpected challenges that you have no clue how to overcome

  • You want to know how to build a solid renovation team

  • You are ready to use your current resources in place for your REI renovations to create a new business, to create BIG income and steady cash flow

If this describes you, then you are ready to use Blueprint to Renovation Riches to your advantage!

I’ve got something for you that’s totally going to make your life so much easier.

  • No more worrying about trying to figure out the steps to your next reno project

  • No anxiety about securing funds. Use your client’s funds to create your profits

  • Learn how to save $ and keep more profits

  • Create a solid renovation team

  • Create 7-figure revenues within 24 months

  • Surround yourself with like-minded women

  • Learn my proven system and process

  • Enjoy business and education support

What renovation projects can look like behind the scenes

And when I say profitable 7-Figure Renovation business, what I mean is this:

  • Dependable team for reno and business administration

  • Systems and Processes in place for consistency and efficiency

  • Proven pricing system that yields high Net Profits and owner income

  • Proven payment schedule that keeps your cash flow steady

  • Growing your business to give your larger revenues and personal income, while building your personal freedom

That’s it... and, guess what? I shortened this process from my 25 years of experience down to 6 hours for you.

Yes, 25 years of blood, sweat, and tears from scratch just to build Blueprint To Remodel Riches and deliver it to like-minded women like you and me.

So, here’s the deal. You could figure it out on your own through How-To videos on YouTube, get insights from people with some experience here and there, or from fixer-upper TV shows. You can work hard in putting the puzzle pieces together that will end up stressing you out, overwhelm and confuse you.

Believe me, I’ve been there!

I want to show you how to skip all that and go straight to the profits by creating a Design/Remodel Business.

If you want to learn from someone who started a Design/Remodel business with no prior experience, failed repeatedly, found solutions and systems that resulted in a Multi-Million dollar business, then this is FOR YOU.

The Secret Behind a 7-Figure Renovation Business...

It All Starts With A Simple Framework
That Will Take You from Struggling Fix and Flipper
To Multiple 7-Figure Income

So, all you have to do is click the button to save your spot.

  • It’s time to take your Fix and Flip renovation business to another level.

  • It's time to change people's lives using your skills and experience from your REI business.

  • It’s time to use systems and processes that have been proven and tested.

  • It’s time that you stop trying to figure it out on your own.

  • This is your time to make it happen.

You Also Get These Four Gifts To Help You Succeed

To ensure you’re prepared for your transformation in this masterclass I am equipping you with these gifts that I have prepared for you.

Free Gift #1

Blueprint To Remodel Riches Workbook

Value $97

Blueprint To Remodel Riches Workbook

You will get instant access to your printable workbook that you can print before the masterclass. This is a beautifully crafted picture book which will help you not get lost along the way.

Free Gift #2

Bathroom Remodel Checklist

Value $97

Bathroom Remodel Checklist

This essential guide is designed exclusively for our upcoming masterclass attendees, providing a roadmap to achieve a stunning bathroom transformation.

Why You Need It

  • Stay Organized: Streamline your remodel

  • Save Time & Money: Avoid costly mistakes and delays by following our proven tips.

  • Gain Confidence: Empower yourself with the knowledge of not missing any details in a renovation project.

Free Gift #3

Kitchen Remodel Checklist

Value $97

Kitchen Remodel Checklist

This essential guide is designed exclusively for our upcoming masterclass attendees, providing a roadmap to achieve a stunning Kitchen transformation.

Why You Need It

  • Stay Organized: Streamline your remodel

  • Save Time & Money: Avoid costly mistakes and delays by following our proven tips.

  • Gain Confidence: Empower yourself with the knowledge of not missing any details in a renovation project.

Free Gift #4

Residential Design/Renovate Team Checklist

Value $97

Design/Renovate Team Checklist

This indispensable guide is crafted specifically for our masterclass attendees, offering a detailed framework to build and manage a successful renovation team for your residential projects.

Why You Need It

  • Build a Strong Team: Assemble a skilled and motivated team that works harmoniously towards your renovation goals.

  • Enhance Efficiency: Optimize your project workflow and improve productivity with our structured approach.

  • Achieve Excellence: Deliver high-quality results by leveraging the collective expertise of your team.

Here’s EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Join The Masterclass Today!

  • 3 Days of Blueprint To Remodel Riches [Value $497]

  • Access to the "Masterclass Attendee Only" Community [Value $197]

  • Free Gift #1: Blueprint To Remodel Riches Workbook [Value $97]

  • Free Gift #2: Bathroom Remodel Checklist [Value $97]

  • Free Gift #3: Kitchen Remodel Checklist [Value $97]

  • Free Gift #4: Kitchen Remodel Checklist [Value $97]

Total Value: $1,082

Today Only: $27

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